Friday, January 1, 2021

Perhaps God's Glow Found In The Universe-Cosmic Christ is Light

 I termed the phrase God's glow, I thought it fit the description of what I read about. It seems astronomers according to a New York Times article I read ("In the Darkness of Empty Space, Unexpected Light" 12/8/20) have found empty space in the Universe that was about twice as bright as would be expected. Unexpected light they say, "four billion miles from the sun, far from bright planets and light scattered by interplanetary dust..." "There's something out there unknown....."

Right away my mind started thinking about this. Because you know, when Jesus said, "I am the light of the world," He wasn't just speaking metaphorically. Jesus, the Cosmic Christ is light and so it would seem natural for me, to think the unexpected light they've found is the light of Christ or God's glow as I termed it.

Sounds a bit crazy......maybe, maybe not. Light deep in the Universe of unknown origin and astronomers and particle physicists have no idea where it's coming from. 

"This kind of measurement really pushes our understanding of both the instrument and the brightness of the light from all the stuff between us and the distant universe, Dr. Zemcov said in an email. 'People have posited a variety of sources, but the jury is still out on what it could be.'" 

They should give me a call, I'll tell them what it is. 
