Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Moving Is Hard But Sometimes It Has To Be Done

 I'm very busy, too busy to write. We are moving...leaving Long Island after almost 18 years. It's a beautiful island but we're moving to be closer to our granddaughters. Granddaughters tug at your heart and it's important to be close to them. 

I have a lot of stuff. I hate moving. It's the worst. And I have a lot of books. I love the written word and its hard for me to part with my books, especially my religious books. I have given some away, and its only because it's for a good cause. Otherwise I couldn't part with them. But I am sending some books to Africa, I've been doing that for awhile. 

But most of my library will travel with me. All my Carmelite books and all the other ones too.

I love to garden and I will have a place to garden, to grow roses and plant wildflowers for butterflies and bees. 

I wouldn't be going, if I couldn't bring Jesus with me. But Jesus will come along. As He always does in my life. 

And of course, I will be near a Catholic Church, as I couldn't live without Eucharist or Bible Study and luckily they have Scripture Study there. 

So God is good. And I pray that this will be a good move for us. 


Thursday, July 8, 2021

Be A Light!

 I love quotes...I often use quotes for journaling. I vacationed recently in Mattituck, NY .....the North Fork of Long Island. Once potato farms, it is now filled with vineyards which produce award-winning wines. I love wineries, as vineyards are so orderly, useful and pleasant in the warmth of summer. 

I like this quote.....It is useful for journaling...

"You Are The Light of the World"

"Ask yourselves: 'Do I believe these words of Jesus in the gospel? Jesus is calling you the light of the world. He is asking you to let your light shine before others. I know that in your hearts you want to say: 'Here I am Lord. Here I am. I come to do you will.' But only if you are one with Jesus can you share his light and be a light for the world."  St. John Paul II