Sunday, December 18, 2022

Hopes and Prayers for the New Year-2023

I can hardly believe that soon we will usher in a New Year-2023..... My prayers and hopes for the New Year...first and foremost I pray for an end to war, most especially the war in Ukraine.  It's hard to believe that world leaders have not tried harder to stop this destructive and senseless war that is adversely affecting the world's economy, killing innocent people and children and harming the environment.  It doesn't make sense to me. So I will continue to pray as I have been doing faithfully, for an end to this war, to this craziness. And God weeps.....

I pray for the Catholic Church that the Holy Spirit will continue to strengthen the Church and all leaders in the Church and most especially give all in power the ability to make common sense decisions that will bolster belief in God, belief in the importance of a faith community and rituals,  the importance of preserving the Eucharist as paramount, and to find new and effective ways to evangelize.

I pray for parents who have such a difficult job in today's modern world instilling faith, and promoting positive values and keeping their children safe and away from harmful drugs and violence.

My parish has a prayer group that prays for people's intentions and I pray as all the other faithful Catholics on the prayer chain do, for all those who ask for prayers and believe in the power of prayer to make a difference in their lives. 

Merry Christmas!

A Blessed New Year!

Peace in our World! Amen!