Saturday, December 11, 2021

Another Advent Filled With An Evil Virus Lurking

 This should be a joyous time of waiting and preparing. I love Advent and the Christmas season.  But unfortunately, members of my family and my extended family have fallen ill with the Delta variant of Covid. The virus that just won't give up its grip. It mutates and it finds new hosts. An evil virus for sure. It has caused such calamity and suffering and loss. And it's not done with us yet, I'm sorry to say. That's not my opinion but those who study viruses. 

All I can do to help is to make homemade soup. At least that gives me a purpose, so I make soup and deliver it and feel like I'm useful. And give some nutritional edge to loved ones who are sick. Tomorrow I will make "Jewish Penicillin" (Chicken Soup). Oh and of course I pray and ask others to pray. Without prayer, I could not live. I try to distract myself by reading historical novels, which I find entertaining. So I cook and I read and I pray and talk to friends.

This was a difficult week because I had workmen in my house. The worse kind of torture for me, having to deal with people in and out of the house, doing work, making noise, upsetting my peace. I have no right to complain about that but I will. My son says, I have a lot of nerve, I should be grateful I can afford to do repairs and renovations. Sure. 

So I hope Christmas will be OK and everyone will get well, so we can celebrate as a family. I can only pray it will.

I hope you have a Merry Christmas!