Sunday, January 28, 2018

End Of The World A Bit Closer? Hope Not!

On January 26th an article appeared in the New York Times titled, "End of the World Is A Bit Closer; Scientists Fear" by Sewell Chan. To be honest, when very smart people (atomic scientists) start getting nervous about the current global situation, that concerns me.
I quote, "The Doomsday Clock, a potent symbol of scientific concerns about humanity's possible annihilation was advanced by 30 seconds on Thursday to 2 minutes to midnight, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists announced in Washington. The last time the clock was moved so close to midnight was in 1953 during the Cold War."
What is concerning the scientists so much? They believe that world leaders are not doing enough to respond to threats from nuclear war and climate change. They cite problems with North Korea's nuclear program, tensions in the world and the build up of nuclear arsenals in Pakistan and India. The scientists sound very serious, "To call the world nuclear situation dire is to understate the danger and its immediacy." Just writing this blog post is making me anxious. I probably should have chosen another topic!
But anyhow,  all the dangers they noted, should concern everyone and be taken seriously, yet the one I find most alarming is-"the speed of technological change." That's a big risk. (From other articles I've read, artificial intelligence (AI), is something that can get out of control very quickly.)  They especially mentioned, "the hacking of computer systems that control financial and energy infrastructure; the development of weaponry that can make 'kill' decisions without human supervision, the misuse of synthetic biology......" Scary stuff. (I definitely should not have written this before bedtime!)
So what is a believer to do? Of course pray for the future of humankind. Pray for the conversion of leaders. Hope that pride and ignorance doesn't cause human beings in power to destroy, harm or do something irrational. (Also note that, The Doomsday Clock and the expert panel does have its critics, not everyone believes it.)
But since Lent is fast approaching, seems like a good idea to pray and fast for the global situation to improve. I pray the "speed at which technology advances" is good for humankind and is a blessing, not a curse. We shall see.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Pope Francis in Chile And the Joy of Indigenous People

As I watched the Masses celebrated by Pope Francis in Chile on TV, I thought it was wonderful that the indigenous people of Chile were given the chance to express themselves, at the Masses, in such a creative, authentic way. Their exuberance, music and song was joyful and a pleasure to watch.
The Church needs to be relevant in the modern world, and embracing multiculturalism and the natural gifts of indigenous people is certainly a step in the right direction.
Good music is so important in liturgies and good homilies that help people apply the gospel message of hope to modern problems and situations. We all need to hear the reassuring message that Christ continues to offer through Scripture....that God is with us, that God gives us courage and life-giving water and life-giving food for our souls. The modern world is desperately in need of the gospel message, most especially young people. Also, I think often of people in parts of the world where people cannot worship God freely or openly. I pray that all should hear the word of God and be open to the gospel message of hope. I pray that all people on the earth will....."with joy draw water at the fountain of salvation."

God indeed is my savior, I am confident and unafraid. My strength and my courage is the Lord...With joy you will draw water at the fountain of salvation. 

Thursday, January 11, 2018

St. Joan of Arc-Fearless And Bold-An Example for the Modern Age in 2018

I am not afraid.....I was born to do this.   St. Joan of Arc

I recently saw the quote above on a plaque and I just loved it. What better quote for a believer, in the New Year-2018. If only we could all find out what God's will is for our lives and then work to fulfill it. (Without having to be martyred, of course!) All the saints say, that it is very important (perhaps the most important thing), on the spiritual journey, to find out God's will for your life. That is not easy to do and takes much discipline and prayer.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC has a great, very large oil painting of St. Joan of Arc by Jules Bastien Lepage (1879). I love to gaze upon it and study it whenever I'm at the MET. Bastien-Lepage, a native of Lorraine, depicts in the painting,"the moment when St. Michael, Margaret and Catherine appear to Joan in her parents' garden, rousing her to fight against the English invaders in the Hundred Years War."
So what is it I shall do in the New Year to be fearless for Christ? And what will you do in the New Year to be fearless for Christ? What should the Church do in the New Year to be fearless for Christ?
I have an idea what the Church should do, should have done years ago to make itself more relevant (and open to growth) in the modern age. I know but I'll keep it to myself. But maybe you know too!
Pope Francis and the entire Roman Curia as well as the Cardinals and Bishops should be fearless and face the modern day realities we are dealing with. It is extremely important for the Church to face the unique challenges of the modern world and deal with them creatively and through working with the Holy Spirit as guide.

Veni Sanctus Spiritus!

"Come Holy Spirit, Come!" St. Joan of Arc pray for us!