Sunday, March 15, 2020

Putting All Fears and Anxiety on the Altar of God During Coronavirus Pandemic

We are living through strange times......for me, watching the Mass on TV on a Sunday morning instead of going to Church is something I never thought I would do. But I did it today.
Looking at empty grocery store shelves in America in 2020, who could of thought such a thing would happen?
This is the new normal, at least for the time being and its unsettling.
But its a good time especially since it's Lent to do Spring cleaning, to shed some things that are no longer needed. Since I will be spending more time than usual in the house, it's a good time, to gather up clothing I don't need or wear anymore and give it to charity. And other things as well.....
There are positive things that can be done, in this strange new day- to- day reality.
I hope its over soon, I hope the pandemic and historic time we are living through passes quickly.
I pray for the sick and their caregivers and those homebound.

These words from St. Teresa of Avila, a great Carmelite Spanish saint and Doctor of the Church, gave me some comfort today:

Be not anxious, have no fear
All is passing, God is near.
Love unchanging, that is God
Bear then all things patiently.
Who possesses God has all, 
Wanting nothing great or small
God suffices, God alone
You are God's, make God your own.
And oh yes, Rejoice!  
St Teresa of Avila

I would add, if I may "And yes, live in hope, because as Christians we are called to be hopeful, in the midst of trials and uncertainty, we have hope that the Lord is with us and will get us through."