Sunday, December 3, 2023

Advent 2023 and Imagining A Peaceful World

 In parts of the world this Advent 2023 there is war, there are missiles and bombs dropping causing pain, destruction and death. This is far from God's will for humankind. And yet here we are still praying for peace, longing for peace, wanting the Prince of Peace to bring peace to a broken world.  The Christian liturgical Season of Advent which began today is a time of waiting, expectation and prayer. The word Advent comes from the Latin word, "Adventus," which means coming. Christ should come into our hearts anew this Advent as we wait for Christ to come at Christmas and at the end of the world in glory. 

But here we are, living with tensions in the world, as the Prince of Peace cannot definitively establish His Kingdom on Earth because people are flawed and conjure up evil deeds and carry it out.  We live in a fallen world where children continue to suffer needlessly.  Yet, so many people are good and want what God wants and strive for goodness, truth and peace and yet it is still so elusive.  And so God weeps......and God's Kingdom cannot be fully realized, in the here and now.  

People of good will, will pray for peace this Advent, as I will, we will pray for negotiation over destruction, compromise and peace-making in parts of the world where suffering continues. 

The children of this world deserve better. 

Let us pray this Advent brings lasting peace and solutions that work and endure, in war torn parts of the world.