Friday, May 26, 2023

Will Artificial Intelligence Help Humankind or Destroy Us?

 If you watch the business cable news network on TV (as my husband does), then you will hear a lot these days about A.I. (Artificial Intelligence). People are making a lot of money if they are invested in companies that are developing A.I. And though as I expressed in the last blog post it has the potential to be very dangerous and get out of control quickly, it can also make great new discoveries in medicine and science and perhaps help productivity in many fields,  even in religious education and evangelization.  So is it a false idol? Perhaps it is, perhaps humans are trying to play God by developing machines and technology that is smarter and quicker than human brains, or maybe we are just using our human intelligence to go further and expand knowledge which will benefit humankind. 

No one knows, which direction this new technology will take. Will it help us or hurt us ultimately? Can A.I. find a cure for cancer or other horrific diseases? Can A.I. come up with solutions to climate change, or poverty or hunger in third world countries? That remains to be seen. 

But whatever happens, the future is now, we are living in the future of humankind and unless wise and prudent minds prevail, anything can happen. I wonder what God is thinking of all this? Is this foolishness, are we creating a false idol of the most dangerous kind or will humankind advance in ways that will help more people and create a more just society. We shall see......