Thursday, April 14, 2022

"Love One Another As I have Loved You"

If only humankind would have heeded Christ's words, "Love one another as I have loved you," this world would be such a better place. A simple and clear statement about loving those in our immediate family, our neighbors and those who are far away and yet in this century we still unfortunately, see hatred, war, violence, misunderstanding,  misinformation and even lies. So we approach the greatest of Christian feast days, the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior, humankind struggles to love, to be noble, to give the benefit of the doubt, to be forgiving, to be compassionate, beyond measure. Not all people of course, there are those who know how to be kind, how to love those near and the unlovable, to give of themselves generously and heed Christ's words. 

If only there was love instead of hate, peace instead of war, kindness instead of harshness, goodness instead of wickedness, we would be closer to the world Jesus' imagined for us, a world close to the Reign of God. 

People of good will from all the religious faiths keep praying for peace, we keep praying for conversion of hearts and for love to overcome hate .....Lord, hear our prayer, during these holy days of the Triduum. The world needs an Easter Miracle. May the Easter Season be filled with hope and peace.

Happy Easter!
