Sunday, May 30, 2021

The Epidemic of Violence And Other Signs of Decay in Society

 We've all become numb to the rising violence in our country. It's so sad what has happened. It seems everyday now you read about a stabbing, or mass shooting somewhere in the country. No where seems to be immune. More Americans now are stating that violent crime is a very big problem in our country. More than Covid, since those deaths and hospitalizations are falling, thank God. It is no surprise that people view violence as a big problem. If you watch the news, it's filled with stories of death and injury from violence.  Gun sales are also rising because people don't feel safe anymore and want to protect themselves.  Perhaps they are right. 

So it seems the commandment ...."Thou shall not kill," is not taken seriously by crazy as that seems. 

Then there is 'Thou shall not steal," another commandment which is ignored by many. In San Francisco, California some chain stores had to close because people were blatantly walking out with merchandise, in full view of others. Stealing and not caring if they are caught, since the penalty was not severe and so stores can't make money and they are closing. So when honest people try to go shopping, the stores they frequented are closed, too much shoplifting is the cause. 

And so the list goes on......The world I grew up in, though not perfect of course, was a lot more sensible, kinder and wholesome than what the world is becoming. And it doesn't seem to be getting much better. 

People of good faith,  keep praying, we keep hoping, we keep wondering if things will improve and yet if God's laws are ignored as well as civil laws and some people in addition, just don't care about civility or decency, where will it all go? To hell in a handbasket?

What is God thinking about this mess? A fallen world? Fallen natures? 

Looks like I need a little sunshine...all this rain, is making me too negative!