Thursday, December 26, 2019

Christmas 2019

Another Christmas has past. There is nothing better than a well done Christmas Liturgy. What's better than hearing a well rehearsed choir sing "Silent Night," on Christmas Eve, in a beautiful, well decorated Church, with family. For me, it doesn't get much better than that.
Christmas is such a beautiful feast, if only all God's children could appreciate the significance of Christmas and what it means for humankind. If only all God's children had enough to eat, a place to call home, people who care for them and a place to worship God.
If only the very rich would do more to help the less fortunate.
If only there was peace on earth and good will towards all.
If only there was more tolerance and understanding and the teachings of Jesus were lived out and acted upon by all Christians.
If only care for the earth would be of concern to all and Pope Francis' encyclical, "Laudato Si-On Care for our Common Home," be appreciated and given priority.
It could happen. Perhaps in the future, humankind will finally get it right.
Christians have to live in hope and so I hope and pray the future and that the next decade in particular will be good and healing for the earth and good for all God's children.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!