Monday, March 18, 2019

Evil and Violence in Places of Worship

There are no words and much sadness when thinking of innocent people worshipping God in a house of worship being murdered. It's despicable. The latest atrocity that occurred in New Zealand of the massacre of innocents at two mosques makes me believe that God must be very sad with aspects of humanity. God certainly weeps. At this late stage of human existence, some sick people are so filled with hate that they would murder, even children in a religious, sacred space. It is just sickening.
But this happens in other places, to other religions. Christians are murdered in churches, in some parts of the world, Jewish people were murdered in their synagogue not too long ago in Pittsburgh and Muslims trying to pray and give honor and praise to God are gunned down in New Zealand.
Because we live in a fallen world, where evil exists and sometimes seems to rule the day, more precautions must be taken to protect worshippers.
There should be protection, someone in charge and given the responsibility of protecting people at prayer, against sick and evil people who wish to harm.
Something has to be done. Good and holy people trying to praise God should not have to fear in a place of worship.
Also religious tolereance and respect for all religions should be taught in schools, throughout the world. This madness has to stop.