Sunday, January 13, 2019

Will The Spirit Lead Reform and Renewal in the Church?

Will the Pope and all the Cardinals and Bishops of the Church be open to the movement of the Holy Spirit while reforming the Church? It is crucial that they are, that they are open and willing to put aside their will and accept God's will and the radical movement of the Holy Spirit. I pray pride does not get in the way.
I read with interest an online article in "Amcrica" magazine about German Cardinal Reinhard Marx calling for "change in long standing church teachings" as the Germans Bishops Conference prepares for a workshop debate to review the issue of celibacy for priests." At a New Year's Mass at the Cathedral in Munich, the Cardinal said, "in light of the failure surrounding the sexual abuse crisis the Church must be open to modifying church teaching in response to changing modern times." Lay Catholics in Germany and elsewhere support this view.
Thank you Cardinal Marx for having the courage to say what needs to be my humble opinion, besides implementing more reforms and safeguards for protecting children and others, I do believe, without a doubt, that mandatory celibacy must be re-evaluated and eventually be made optional in the Roman Catholic Church for priests. Perhaps an Order of Married Priests in the Roman Catholic Church can be considered and added.
The man-made Church law of mandatory celibacy is hurting the Church. Celibacy might be a needed and welcome discipline for some, but it is too strict for all.
Any discussions on reforms and renewal in the Church, should include a discussion and evaluation of mandatory celibacy.
All Cardinals and Bishops should pray about this, ask for God's will in this matter and like Cardinal Marx be realistic about the future of the Church. Accessibility of the Sacraments, and growth in the Church is more important than any man-made law.