Sunday, December 9, 2018

Celebration of Mary at the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception-Huntington,NY-2018

I attended the "Celebration of Mary," at the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception in Huntington, NY on the feast day of the Immaculate Conception yesterday. Bishop John Barres, the Bishop of Rockville Centre was the celebrant for the Mass ( he stayed for the whole day). The Seminary is beautiful and it was a beautiful, spiritually uplifting day. The bishop was personable as all bishops should be. Before the Mass began, he went around the chapel and shook hands with the congregation. A nice, sincere and simple gesture, but simple, sincere gestures mean a lot. In his homily he mentioned the You tube sensation-the famous professor/psychologist, Jordon Peterson, who speaks about the importance of the Old Testament stories in some of his videos.
Msgr. Peter Vaccari, rector of St. Joseph's Seminary in Yonkers is a scholar and great speaker so we all enjoyed his talk on Mary. Mary's fiat, her "Yes" to God's plan was repeated throughout her life. She was open to the Holy Spirit and God's will. Mary was the disciple who set her gaze on God. She was "full of grace," open to divine grace and love and that is God's will for us all. 
He suggested we read the Book of Isaiah- Chapter 60 during Advent which I intend to do. He spoke about the connection between the Annunciation and the Cross.
Brother Timothy Driscoll, a Marianist Brother from Kellenberg HS gave an excellent powerpoint presentation about the beautiful painting, "The Immaculate Conception," by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo,  an oil on canvas, which is at the Prado Museum in Madrid, Spain. You can go to their website and search for the painting and examine it online. I love art and I love the Catholic faith, so naturally I enjoyed his expertise and art knowledge on the powerful painting.
Finally, the Cathedral Seminary Schola performed at the end of the day.
It was all good and a great way to spend a Marian feast day.
A Blessed Advent to you!!