Saturday, September 8, 2012

September 8th-The Date That Haunts Me

It's hard to write a book. Matthew Kelly wrote that in one of his books and it's true. I'd like to finish the book I've started writing but I'm not sure I ever will. But at least these blog entries are like writing an online book, (if you put them all together).  Someone asked me why I write a blog. It didn't make sense to her. Writing is a form of art. I love art so I like to think I'm creating art with my words. "Writers write, it's as simple as that." That was my response to her.  But also I'm sharing my deep faith, evangelizing through words.  I don't think she would have understood that either.
September 8th, the date that haunts me is a grace-filled day for me. I was born on September 8th. It is also the date that the Church celebrates the birth of Mary. I was probably 10 or 12 years old when I heard it mentioned in catechism class, that September 8th was the Nativity of Mary. I remember being very pleased. Later on I would take Mary as my Confirmation name.
I was never sure if it was just a coincidence that I was born on Mary's birthday or if it had some significance in the spiritual/religious realm.
After my brother died in 1997 I was in despair. I was close to my brother. He was very smart and a psychiatrist by profession. He died fairly young from cancer. When my brother died, I had my own family to keep me busy but I needed something more to distract me from my pain and grief. So I took a distance learning course on St. Therese of Lisieux, the Little Flower. It was an excellent course and I learned a lot. I did a lot of reading and I studied the writings of St. Therese, especially her famous autobiography, "Story of A Soul." Therese is a much loved saint and a Doctor of the Church. She befriends people (in a mysterious way as only a saint could do) who pray for her intercession or study her writings. You would have to experience it to understand it fully but many people have said the same thing.
In any event, while I was taking the course and reading the material I stumbled upon an interesting fact about St. Therese. September 8th was also important in the life of Therese. It was the day of her profession as a Carmelite nun. For Therese it was her wedding day. She was being wed to her "Divine Spouse." Jesus was so real to Therese he might as well have been standing next to her. She loved him with a mystical, all- encompassing love.
So that's why September 8th haunts me. It keeps turning up in my life. It has significance and I'm grateful to God for the grace of this date.

Oh I love Him, My God, I love thee  (St. Therese-her last words-looking at her crucifix)