Those of us who are Americans are blessed to live in a great country- America, "the land of the free and the home of the brave." I will be busy preparing for Thanksgiving, making rice balls and a lot of other good food. My cousins will help, so it's a shared undertaking. We will miss my Aunt Connie, the family matriarch, at tomorrow's celebration. It won't be the same without her. But her granddaughter is having another baby and so soon we'll have another child in the family. The circle of life continues.
I'm thankful for all the blessings in my life. For the opportunities I've been given, for the good things that are yet to come. Perhaps one day all God's children will have enough to eat and the kind of opportunities that all children should have. I think of poor children a lot, more importantly I pray for them and try to do my part to help, in small ways through giving. I sponsor a child from Chile, through Children's International and so at least I know (for certain) I've made a real difference in the life of one poor child. It's an amazing feeling to be appreciated and loved by someone you've never met but whose life you have impacted. That's one of the blessings of sponsorship.
With hope for a better tomorrow for all..... may your Thanksgiving holiday be filled with all good things and an appreciation of blessings received.