Friday, April 2, 2010

Jesus Transforms Suffering Into Love, Suffering Into Peace

Jesus is the image of one who has been deceived, betrayed; he seems a failure. He is fearful, timid, disoriented. Jesus forsaken is darkness, melancholy, contrast. He is the image of all that is strange, undefinable, that has something monstrous about it. Because he is God crying out for help!....He is the lonely person, the derelict...He seems useless, an outcast, in shock......Consequently we can recognize him in every suffering brother or sister. When we approach those who resemble him, we can speak to them of Jesus forsaken. To those who recognize that they are similar to him and are willing to share his fate, he becomes: for the mute, words; for the doubtful, the answer; for the blind, light; for the deaf, voice; for the weary, rest; for the desperate, hope; for the seperated, unity; for the restless, peace. With him the person is transformed and the non-meaning of suffering acquires meaning. He had cried out a "why?" to which no one replied, so that we would have the answer to every question. The problem of human life is suffering. Whatever form it may take, however terrible it may be, we know that Jesus has taken it upon himself and -as if by a divine alchemy-he transforms suffering into love. I can say from my own experience that as soon as we lovingly accept any suffering in order to be like him, and then continue to love by doing God's will, if the suffering is spiritual, it disappears; if it is physical, it becomes a light burden. When our pure love comes in contact with suffering, it transforms it into love. In a certain sense, it divinizes the suffering. We could almost say that the divinization of suffering, that Jesus brought about, continues in us. And after each encounter in which we have loved Jesus forsaken, we find God in a new way, more face to face, with greater openness and fuller unity. Light and joy return; and with the joy, that peace which is the fruit of the spirit. This light, joy and peace which blossom from suffering that is loved strike people and move even the most difficult persons. Nailed to the cross, we become mothers and fathers of souls. The effect is the greatest possible fruitfulness. As Oliver Clement writes: 'The abyss, opened for an instant by that cry, is filled with the great wind of the resurrection.' Every disunity is annulled, traumas and splits are healed, universal brotherhood is resplendent, miracles of resurrection abound, a new springtime begins for the Church and for humanity.
Words of Wisdom from Chiara Lubich

And what would Julian of Norwich say as we look forward with hope to the joy of Easter, the beauty and hopefulness of the Easter Season...she would say......."All will be well."