Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Humble Beginnings for the Savior

As reported in many news outlets, an interesting discovery, close to the feast of Christmas was made by archaeologists in Nazareth, Israel. The discovery will likely shed more light on the hamlet where Jesus lived as a young boy. The remains of the first dwelling in Nazareth that can be dated back to the time of Jesus, shows a humble dwelling in an isolated village. "The dwelling and older discoveries of nearby tombs in burial caves suggest that Nazareth was an out-of-the-way hamlet of about 50 houses on a patch of about four hundred acres. It was evidently populated by Jews of modest means who kept camouflaged grottos to hide from Roman invaders, said archaeologist Yardena Alexandre, excavations director at the Israel Antiquities Authority.......Based on clay and chalk fragments found at the site, the dwelling appeared to house a 'simple Jewish family'.......The absence of any remains of glass vessels or imported products suggested the family who lived in the dwelling were 'simple.'"
Simple, humble beginnings for the Savior of the world. And now over 2,000 years later, more than two billion people in the world will celebrate the birth of Christ on Christmas. Hymns will be sung, Masses celebrated, Prayer Services will be held the world over.  Preparations are under way for magnificent liturgies, prayers, celebrations, parties, dinners, feasts and gift-giving, all in honor of the birth of the Savior and Redeemer of the world. 
As for me, I am preparing to have a Christmas Eve feast at my house with my family and relatives. My aunt (who is 89 years old) is busy preparing the traditional Italian fish salad, which takes her days to prepare. It's the best! I will be busy cooking and baking over the next couple of days as well. 
Wishing all a very Blessed and Merry Christmas! May the birth of our Savior- the Prince of Peace and the beauty and love of this holy Season give us reason to hope. We also have reason to believe in God's abundant generosity and love. Peace!

Come, Lord Jesus, Come!

A little child is born for us, and he shall be called the mighty God; every race on earth shall be blessed in him.  (See Is 9:6; Ps. 71:17)