Monday, July 20, 2009

Hopeful Messages on Billboards

An anonymous donor from the East Coast who was getting depressed over the negative news about the economy decided to fund a billboard campaign titled, "Recession 101." The campaign began in June and now positive, hopeful messages are appearing on more than 1,000 billboards, including one in Times Square, NY. The billboard campaign seeks to spread optimism and hope. Here are some of the messages, Interesting fact about recessions.....they end. Another one says, Self-worth is greater than net worth. The overall theme of the messages is, "This too shall pass." 
In an article I read online by Kelsey Abbruzzese, an economist from the University of Rhode Island, Leonard Lardaro said that, "people shouldn't lose hope in a crisis and should instead look for opportunity, preparing themselves for other jobs or the economy's eventual turnaround....For people who are very capable and talented who lost their jobs, it wears away at you. It takes away your sense of worth which it shouldn't do. Don't think in a recession that nothing good can or does happen." After all, one of the billboards state, Bill Gates started Microsoft in a recession. 
I love the idea of posting optimistic, hopeful messages on billboards. I've often wondered why the Church doesn't advertise more on billboards. I think it would be great to have optimistic, hopeful, religious messages on billboards to encourage faith, belief in God and state the benefits of a prayer life, especially during trials or hard times. Belief in God gives people hope. Hope and prayer gives people courage and inner strength and enables them to look beyond the present time. Prayer helps and changes situations, especially when people are going through difficult times, prayer can be a great blessing and comfort. Optimism is good for the soul.

And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit..........Romans 5:5