Sunday, April 5, 2020

"The World Kissing Its Own Darkness"- The Pandemic Continues Into Holy Week

"He said, write down the vision you had, and I wrote what I saw.
I saw the world kissing its own darkness.
It happened thus: I rose to meet the sunrise and suddenly over the hill
a horde appeared dragging a huge tarpaulin.
They covered unwary land and hapless city and all sweet water and fields.
And there was no surprise....."
Jessica Powers

When I read the poem, "The Vision" by Jessica Powers, I thought of the strange image I saw on TV of a temporary hospital that was set up in Central Park in NYC, to help treat coronavirus patients. Somehow the words, "I saw the world kissing its own darkness," and "a horde appeared dragging a huge tarpaulin," seemed to fit the scene in some absurd way.

These are trying times. A Holy Week to remember or maybe to forget. So much pain and suffering, loss, disappointment and death. No one deserves what happened. Families torn apart, people dying alone. Warrior-like doctors and nurses doing their best, in disbelief of what they're seeing and dealing with. Little did we know, when Lent began, that in this year 2020, there would be an assault from a deadly, evil, sneaky virus.
Will humankind learn from their errors? Will wet markets, throughout the world be closed to prevent future deadly viruses from leaping from animals to humans and causing havoc? I hope so. I pray this all ends soon and the world recovers and the world learns.
The economic fall out will be great, world economies may never look the same.
Uncharted territory.
As Christians, we have to maintain hope. In the Northeast, it is Spring.