Saturday, February 18, 2017

Staying Healthy Part of the Spiritual Journey

I recently went to a women's conference and one of the keynote speakers was a well respected cardiologist. The Conference was on women's health. The heart specialist was a much respected woman doctor. Interestingly, though not surprising a woman is much more likely to call 911 to report someone having symptoms of a heart attack, but only in 20-25% of cases will a woman call and report she is having heart attack symptoms. It's always best to get checked out, even if you are not sure.......
All of us want to eat more healthy but it's not easy ....there are so many choices, so much good food. But Lent is fast approaching so it's a good time, during Lent to be more disciplined and try to eat more nutritious foods and to give up those calorie-laden, sugar- filled treats (which I love).
I like superfoods. My new food discovery is acai. It is a super berry that I try to eat everyday. I buy it in frozen packets and then mix it with a banana and blueberries (blueberries are also a superfruit and they supposedly reduce wrinkles). I'm very spiritual and take my religious growth seriously but I do not like wrinkles!
Anyhow, as the doctor said, it's important to exercise everyday for good heart health, even walking is good for you and better than doing nothing. And it's important to watch cholesterol levels, blood pressure levels and weight.
I was listening intently to what the doctor was sharing, because I do care about my health and because I had recently seen a woman who I felt very sorry for, in a hair salon, getting her hair done. She had obviously had a severe stroke and was very debilitated from it. It shook me up. I prayed for her afterwards.
Caring for your body, exercising regularly, eating the right foods, it's all part of the journey.....along with spiritual nourishment.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Don't Worry About A 'Trumpocalypse' Just Say Your Prayers and Trust in God

According to various news outlets it seems doomsday prepping which is defined as "the act of stockpiling food and other essentials in a reinforced, often under-ground shelter," is gaining popularity among the rich, especially those who are overly nervous and pessimistic about the future.  A Texas businessman, Gary Lynch apparently can't keep up with all the orders he's receiving for his bomb shelter that is made of solid stainless steel. It actually is a luxury "underground bunker" which contains all the necessary amenities to sustain one in case the end of the world happens.......or the world falls into chaos (God forbid!)
A fact I find amusing is that some of the customers tell Mr. Lynch that they are nervous about a "Trumpocalypse" or "Trumpnado," who knows if they are serious or not. I don't think President Trump wants the world to end or would do anything to hasten that, that would certainly ruin his business empire, which I'm sure he wants his adorable grandchildren to inherit.
I can't believe people would spend hundreds of thousands of dollars, even millions of dollars on something they most probably will never use. It certainly is consumerism and consumption gone amok.
It's so ridiculous, in my opinion, there are so many worthy, noble projects that the super rich could invest in, they could do so much good with money they are spending on a bunker that most probably will remain empty.
So what does the average person of faith do, faced with the fact they can't afford or don't want a luxury underground bunker, well I know what I do.
I pray for the future of the world, for our leaders, that they make common sense decisions, that they rely on expert advice and opinions and real data and lead with wisdom and knowledge. I pray that God will forgive our foolishness and lack of faith. I pray the next generation straightens out all this misunderstanding and chaos and rids the world of radical evil doers, who have caused so much turmoil, hate and pain, so that there can be a lasting, world peace, where good can flourish.
I pray God acts and helps the good people of the world destroy evil from the face of the earth. When I get to Heaven that's certainly the first thing I'm going to discuss with God, given the will go something like this......."Let's get going, its time for evil to be destroyed, enough is enough!