Thursday, January 11, 2018

St. Joan of Arc-Fearless And Bold-An Example for the Modern Age in 2018

I am not afraid.....I was born to do this.   St. Joan of Arc

I recently saw the quote above on a plaque and I just loved it. What better quote for a believer, in the New Year-2018. If only we could all find out what God's will is for our lives and then work to fulfill it. (Without having to be martyred, of course!) All the saints say, that it is very important (perhaps the most important thing), on the spiritual journey, to find out God's will for your life. That is not easy to do and takes much discipline and prayer.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC has a great, very large oil painting of St. Joan of Arc by Jules Bastien Lepage (1879). I love to gaze upon it and study it whenever I'm at the MET. Bastien-Lepage, a native of Lorraine, depicts in the painting,"the moment when St. Michael, Margaret and Catherine appear to Joan in her parents' garden, rousing her to fight against the English invaders in the Hundred Years War."
So what is it I shall do in the New Year to be fearless for Christ? And what will you do in the New Year to be fearless for Christ? What should the Church do in the New Year to be fearless for Christ?
I have an idea what the Church should do, should have done years ago to make itself more relevant (and open to growth) in the modern age. I know but I'll keep it to myself. But maybe you know too!
Pope Francis and the entire Roman Curia as well as the Cardinals and Bishops should be fearless and face the modern day realities we are dealing with. It is extremely important for the Church to face the unique challenges of the modern world and deal with them creatively and through working with the Holy Spirit as guide.

Veni Sanctus Spiritus!

"Come Holy Spirit, Come!" St. Joan of Arc pray for us!