Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Pope Francis-Doing It His Way

I just read an interesting article from the Catholic News Service blog titled, "De-coding Francis: Vatican Media Adviser Offers '10 Things To Know.'" It was recommended by Peggy Clores who works in Adult Faith Formation at Our Lady of Mercy Parish on Long Island. Peggy has an extensive email blast list, which I'm on, and she is great at evangelizing and using technology to get the word out.
Anyhow, she just sent out a few recommended articles and the one I just mentioned was on it.
Pope Francis is a blessing to the Church, in my opinion, and it seems his election as Pope came at the right time in history. Some people might be confused by how he does things or what he says, but the bottom line is that he is showing authenticity, simplicity, God's unconditional love and the mercy of God which is what Christians need to show to each other.
In the article, Greg Burke, who attended Jesuit schools, and is the Senior communications adviser to the Vatican's Secretariat of State, was quoted as saying, "Pope Francis is not a politically-correct Pope rather he is a 'loyal son of the Church' who presents the hard truths with a heavy dose of mercy." Mercy, the entire New Testament is filled with acts of mercy. A heavy dose of mercy is what God is all about and so since Pope Francis is the human head of the Church on Earth he should imitate the Divine head of the Church, Jesus Christ. He's got it right. In life you can never please everyone.
As someone pointed out in the comments section of the article, Jesus was not politically correct. He socialized with the marginalized in society, reached out to the outcasts and broken and understood and forgave sinners. Pope Francis has his own style, he's comfortable in his own skin and he knows that the Church in the modern world has to become alive and relevant to the young.
He's doing a great job. His mark is everywhere in the Church. I was recently at a Church function and there was a long line to get lunch. Someone asked the priest-presenter if he would like to cut the line, instead of waiting on the long line. He said, "No, I'm learning from the Pope, I would never cut the line, I'll just wait my turn"......and he did. In big ways and in small ways this Pope is bringing about change, and bringing new energy and enthusiasm to the priesthood and the papacy.
Veni, Sanctus, Spiritus!