Saturday, March 10, 2012

New York Times Publishes "Vicious" Anti-Catholic Ad During Lent

I sent an e-mail to the publisher of the New York Times today expressing my outrage over the full-page anti-Catholic advertisement which was printed in Friday's New York Times. As Catholic League president Bill Donohue stated at the League's website, "Never has there been a more vicious anti-Catholic advertisement in a prominent American newspaper than the one in today's New York Times by Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF). The demonization of Catholicism is palpable." The ad which is titled, "It's Time To Consider Quitting the Catholic Church," later states in the ad, "Please, Exit En Mass."
I asked the publisher, Arthur Sulzberger Jr., in the e-mail who approved the ad for publication. The ad was filled with lies, misinformation and distortions of the truth. As a Catholic I am offended by the ad and by the New York Times willingness to print it.
As a longtime subscriber to the New York Times I am on the verge of canceling my subscription over this incident. The Times showed a lack of respect for its Catholic readership by approving the publication of this distorted and vicious advertisement. Radical atheists have gone too far with this ad and with other disrespectful actions in the last few weeks. In another bold and offensive action, a billboard was put up near the Williamsburg area of Brooklyn which offended the Jewish Orthodox community by disrespecting the name of God. This is not advertising atheism as the atheists suggest. These ads lack sensitivity and civility. These ads present one-sided views filled with exaggeration and distortions.
Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life." Christians live that truth everyday and their lives are enriched by it. Christians throughout history have contributed to society in positive ways and have also contributed to and funded charitable organizations which help the poor, the marginalized and the sick throughout the world. No mention of that in the ad.
Why don't the major world religions join together to start advertising on billboards stating the benefits of belief in God, the power of prayer, and the good that has been done for others by religious people throughout history?