Sunday, March 22, 2020

The Great Warning-The Coronavirus Pandemic

The more I hear and listen to news reports, the more convinced I am, that the coronavirus pandemic   is a warning humankind is being given. The Great Warning.......
All the greed, pride, and blatant ignoring of the Ten Commandments as well as the Seven Deadly Sins amongst others, is out of hand and has been for along time. God is patient, but perhaps God can no longer protect us from the ignorance we show, or the lack of wisdom. Can it be that no matter how obvious the problems are, how obvious the changes that need to take place are, we continue like business as usual and in many cases, sin wins the day. Pornography, child sexual abuse, exploitation of children and women, animal abuse, selfishness, disregard for the created world.....the list goes on..........
People need to be more just, kind, compassionate, selfless and Christ-like. All the evils of this world, which cause pain and suffering to many innocents, must be corrected.
God is patient but if we are intent on destroying humanity, because of ignorance, greed, and lack of wisdom, what can God do?
We have warnings in the Scriptures, we have sacred books and writings, from many religious traditions. We know "what is pleasing to the Lord." We know what builds-up and creates harmony, goodness and love. Sin and evil deeds are not pleasing to God and cause disturbance and pain.
I hope and pray, please Lord, that humankind wakes up, does the right thing, abides in truth before we unknowingly destroy it all.
Christians are suppose to live in hope. Hope is essential to Christians. I am trying to be hopeful, but when I cannot even receive Holy Communion, because of the pandemic, I know for sure, things are out of whack. Please Lord, show us mercy and show us the way.