Monday, December 20, 2010

How Blessed We Are!

How blessed we are to celebrate the great feast of Christmas. How blessed we are to know Jesus and to have the advantages, blessings and graces of being in relationship with God. How blessed we are to know God's word and give it a priority in our lives.
There is no doubt this is a hectic time of year and I (along with millions of others) will be busy preparing for Christmas festivities and Christmas Eve dinner. But there is such meaning, joy and depth to this season of wonder and giving. It's wonderful to spend it with family and friends, to know that we are celebrating the greatest of all mysteries, the Incarnation-God with us. God becoming a human being to show us the primacy love should have in our lives is the greatest of gifts. God is love and to be aware of that and to try to live one's life always in mindfulness of that is a great gift.
Through life's ups and downs, through difficulties and stress, if we stay grounded in Christ, things will always work out better. To trust and to love God is the way to get through life, as far as I'm concerned. I read part of an article this morning, which I'll go back to, about how stressed out and emotionally disturbed so many college students are. It's so sad that young people have so much pressure on them and they are coming of age in a difficult economic situation and time of history. We all need Jesus and prayer to help us get through challenging and confusing times in our life and in the world. Only with trust and love will anything ever make sense and will people get their priorities straight. Parents have such a difficult job raising children and teens today and young people have so much being "thrown" at them, with advances in technology and a changing world economic situation. They need prayer, as we all do, to help stay focused and to remain hopeful. One college student was quoted as saying, "Life is hopeless." Faith and belief gives people hope, that is one of the best things about it.
Let's hope and pray, everyone comes to the realization that prayer, solitude, rest, renewal, religious beliefs and rituals, and living in peace and hope will make a positive difference in our lives.
Let's hope and pray the New Year brings more positivity, more hope, more kindess in our world and PEACE. Please God, give us PEACE!
Peace to you and A Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year to All!
My blogging with continue, with God's grace in 2011!! See you then and thanks for reading my blog. I appreciate it!
NJ Azzaro

Fill us with your love that all our days we may sing with joy! (Psalm 90:14)